The HAVS is a multi-mission concept unmanned aerial vehicle system based on a blend of proven technologies such as the safe "in-fuselage", twin rotor, vertical lifting power of the Piasecki Airgeep (see video) combined with the gyroscopic stability of the Hiller VZ-1 (see video) for roll control (click here to see a video on how the HAVS controls roll). Both inventions were conceived to facilitate and enable unmanned aircraft technology to be employed extensively in untapped civil and commercial markets where other UAV platforms cannot be employed safely due to their dangerously unsafe designs or configurations of exposed rotating propeller blades or propulsion systems and out dated user flight control techniques.
The HAVS is a unique invention which addresses the multi-market need to safely land, take-off and hover like a helicopter in conjunction with the ability to also fly, land and take-off like a conventional aircraft without rotating it's propulsion system, propeller blades or fuselage like the historically crash prone V-22 (see video) or Spirit Freewing "Tilt-boom (see video). By design, the HAVS utility does not expose users or objects during launch / recovery operations to dangerous spinning rotor blades; a chief cause of fatal helicopter and propeller / rotor driven aircraft accidents whether manned or unmanned. This latter attribute is extremely important to "future" beyond line-of-sight flight operations for both commercial as well as military uav operations.
Recent proof of the HAVS' viability of dual rotors inside its' fuselage for safety and increased vertical lift is evidenced by the recent awarding of a development contract to Piasecki Aircraft for the Class II UAV program for the Army. Another indicator is a recent development between "Bell Helicopter Textron" and an Israeli company named "Urban Aeronautics" (click here to read News Release). The two latter companies are joining forces to develop Urban Aeronautics' "X-Hawk". However, the big draw back to these new concepts as compared to the HAVS are they have limited range, endurance and speed as a result of not having any wings. These new aircraft's horizontal flight regimes and lift are totally dependent on their vertical lifting system. If anything goes wrong with their vertical lift ... they cannot fly... and worse yet will most likely crash, whereas the HAVS could continue it's mission in horizontal flight mode.
The HAVS patented steering method (block diagram shown above) is likewise a unique invention conceived to facilitate and enable commercial use of "any" unmanned aircraft by eliminating the "skill" nuances of flying radio controlled (i.e. RC) aircraft.
The HAVS flight direction steering invention can be employed in any "unmanned" as well as "manned" aircraft or helicopter having a state of the art autopilot and can be utilized to prevent unauthorized flight operations by unauthorized operators terrorists.
When the patented steering method is employed with an autopilot "semi-autonomous" operation of an aircraft is achieved. This invention eliminates the need for conventional RC piloting skills thus allowing for commercial unmanned flight operations by average users like: fishermen, firemen, police officers, farmers and even soldiers ...."without" the need to learn highly specialized RC piloting skills.
Additionally, the new steering method affords the application of significantly simplified "on-board" flight control of "any" aircraft whether "manned" or "unmanned" by unskilled operators; or remotely in "unmanned" applications from "anywhere" in the world. This new method of "directing" aircraft flight can be utilized in "beyond line of site" flight operations without the need for a "line of sight" uhf / vhf or satellite control link by employing an a short duty cycle, polling, HF data link protocol.
PURPOSE OF THIS WEB SITE: to seek an interested partner or partners and or an investor or investors (whether private, industrial, civil, governmental or any combination) in the development, production and sales of two "important" inventions. Both of the patents listed herein are available for licensing or sale. If you have an interest in this regard or know of someone who is... please contact the inventor at the address listed on this internet site or click here.
"In the future,... I envision that only horizontal and vertical capable UAVs will be routinely used in anti-terrorism & law enforcement activities,... fighting fires, conducting search and rescue operations,... monitoring highway traffic, dusting crops, patrolling the nation's borders and coast lines ....and saving soldiers lives on the battlefield as well as a host of other aviation tasks that were not previously possible with other type UAVs or manned aircraft."
A quote by the HAVS inventor, Terry James, made
in Washigton DC on September 11th, 2001 while addressing
“The 4th Annual Conference on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”
… just hours after the terrorist attack …
"… in order for the US military to best fully explore the capabilities of unmanned aviation and for commercial & civil unmanned aircraft use to be viable… I believe that both communities will have no choice in the future but to eventually employ HAVS and simplified flight control technologies…. almost exclusively…. the reason will be the result of a natural adaptation to the lessons learned from on-going Unmanned Flight Operations…." Terry James